About Us
Advent Hope Online is a not for profit ministry based in South Africa ministering to members across the globe. For the past year we have been running an online program called Next Steps, focusing on Preparing for Jesus’ Return. To close off the series we have chosen to hold an in person camp meeting in Muldersdrift, Johannesburg, South Africa
Pastor Robert Hines of Hephzibah Ministries in the USA is our guest speaker. Our aim is to awaken God’s people to the call to Country Living and to help people prepare to meet Jesus.
Advent Hope Online (RSA)
Adventhopeonline.org (AHO) was started by brother Frank Bell in response to Covid when members were unable to attend church, and has continued to minister to those in outlying areas and shut ins.
AHO is a registed non profit and offers a fulltime church program, including Sabbath opening and closing programs, Sabbathschool Lesson Study and Divine Service and two weekly Prayer Meetings, a Digging Deeper Bible study series and more notably the Next Steps series on Preparing for Jesus’ Return.
The management team consists of Pastor Gary Grant, Joe Lello, Marlene MacHill, Cecelia Thomas and Che Petersen and our Technical team is lead by Rines Swanepoel. Please visit us on www.adventhopeonline.org to learn more and join our online programs.
Hephzibah Ministries (USA)
Pastor Robert Hines serves as Direcor of two independant ministries, namely Hephzibah Ministries and Wilderness Survival Camp which hosts multiple campmeetings across the USA and abroad. The focus of all he does is to prepare people for the imminent return of Jesus and the last day events.
Robert has been married to Paula for 33 years and they have three children: Phoebe, Joel and Joy.
Their program includes an online managazine (June edition https://www.paperturn-view.com/?pid=ODg8814890&p=5&v=1.1), https://www.wildernesssurvivalcamp.com/ They have a number of publications and books avaialble for sale on their website . Please do follow the links to find out more.
It has been our privilege to host the NEXT STEPS Series over the past 13 months and help empower people to get ready to meet Jesus. And so to close off this series and move to the next phase we are hosting the Next Steps Camp meeting in Muldersdrift, Johannesburg South Africa, 6-6 September 2024. Please find us on Youtube: http://youtube.com/@adventhopeonlineamazinggrace to see our Next Steps programs and come and join us in person for a great event.